December 26

Where Do You Want To Be In A Year?


Where Do You Want To Be In A Year?

If you keep doing what you’re doing now, where will you be in a year’s time?

The saying goes, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.

Actions and behaviours add up.

If you’re always “starting next Monday” and never do, nothing will change.

If you start next Monday, and only last until Wednesday, nothing will change.

So here’s what I recommend to all my clients:

Find the minimum amount that you can do, and make a start.

Then, keep doing it.

As long it’s more than you’ve been doing already, you’ll make progress and see results.

Over time, those small actions and routine  habits will not only add up, but they’ll get easier too.

You’ll become more efficient, and you might even feel like you can do a bit more.

It’s not a magic hack or a super exciting way to improve your life.

But it works – and that’s what most people tell me they’re struggling to find – something that works, that they can stick to.

If you need a hand getting started and keeping going, book a Free Coaching Call – I’m here to help 🙂


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