November 9

Client Spotlight: Christine, Serial Dieter



Christine didn’t come to me with 1 goal.

Once we sat down to decide what she wanted to aim for, we soon realised there was a long list:

  • More energy
  • Less stress
  • More mobility
  • Better mood
  • Better fitness
  • Better habits
  • Improved body image

The list itself was overwhelming for her.

It’s all too common, and it makes getting started flippin terrifying!

We all know that a few PT sessions won’t magically tick everything off that list too – it’s an investment, it takes time and energy and those are 2 things we all struggle for.

I met Christine over a year ago and I’m so proud to see the difference in her since then.

Getting started is the hardest part, but once you find something you can stick to, you won’t regret it.

No one regrets getting started, we just need to stop it feeling so overwhelming!

Can you relate to this?

Christine has spent the last decade trying to lose weight.

Stressing about meals out because of the calories.

Restricting the foods she likes in an effort to ‘be good’.

Feeling intimidated at the gym surrounded by people who knew what they were doing.

We turned that around for her!

Since she started training with me, she’s:

  • Had 2 nights out a month and a weekly takeaway
  • Feeling stronger, fitter and less achey
  • Enjoying the food she eats, without feeling stressed or guilty

And she lost a stone in her first 3 months too 🙌🏻

More importantly, she’s learned new habits so she won’t be falling back on the old ones that made her feel out of control and unhappy 💪🏼

We haven’t done anything complicated or especially hard.

We’ve put together a realistic plan, which works for her and she can stick to.

It’s not perfect.

It’s something she can consistently follow, and be confident she’ll get results from.

Life’s busy, so she doesn’t need any more than that right now.

Just knowing that you’re doing what you can and it’s making a difference is a massive step forward 🙌🏻

Christine had spent years trying different diets and exercise programmes.

Each one promised to be the ‘real secret’ or ‘magic formula’.

So why did training with me end up being the thing that stuck?

Honesty. We agreed to be 100% honest throughout her programme. If she didn’t like something she told me. If she was doing something to hold herself back, I told her.

Education. Christine learnt why those other programmes hadn’t worked, and understood why what she was trying with me would work. She’s now got a really good understanding of nutrition and exercise, so nothing is complicated anymore.

Results. Christine had seen the results other people have had with me, and starting seeing results herself pretty quickly. That’s a MASSIVE motivation boost.

Support. We know each other pretty well now, so I know when she needs some extra help or even to take a step back now and then.

Simplicity. We set out a clear programme from day 1, and there was nothing complicated about it. Christine actually thought it was a bit too simple to start with 😂 But, simplicity works. Nothing complicated needed.

In case you missed the memo, you can now see me in-person, online, or a mix of both!

For me, if you’re going to really change your lifestyle and habits then you’re going to need some flexibility – so I want to make sure my coaching reflects that too.

All my client have the option of training with me online, in-person or a mix of the two.

Every option has its Pros and Cons, it’s all about finding the best way for YOU.

It’s called PERSONAL Training after all 😏

If you think you’d benefit from some coaching (either online, in-person or a mix of both), click here to book a Free Coaching Call.


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